Blogger Vs Wordpress - Which Platform Is Better And Why?

There are many websites based on blogger platform that generally provide their services for free. For now, there are 2 most used blogging platforms. These two blogging platform websites are and On this site, the blogging platform that will be used as a learning media for blogging is For wordpress blog, if you want more information, take advantage of Google search.

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Blogger Vs Wordpress - Which Platform Is Better And Why?

Blogger vs Wordpress - Which is Better 

The advantages of compared to

Wordpress as a blogging platform here is, not (self host). WordPress itself has 2 versions, namely the free version ( and the Self Host / paid version ( is often regarded as one of the blogging platform websites. In the real sense, this is not true. is not a blogging platform but a website that provides CMS (Content management system) source code for creating and managing Websites.

If you visit, there will be a download link for the source code that you can later install on a hosting. The website that was built with the CMS from will have an admin interface like the one found on The thing that distinguishes and is that you will get more customization and are almost not bound by any conditions. Yes, this is clear because what you make is not a blog but a website with a wordpress CMS.

About (can also be accessed with is a free blogging service that was initially launched by a company called Pyra Labs in 1999. In 2003, was acquired by the Google Company and continues to grow over time and has become Free blogging services are the most widely used for now, especially for bloggers in Indonesia. feature

Has a very high level of security
Can be used as a medium to make money either through advertising media owned by Google (AdSense) or from other advertising media
One blogger account can be used to create up to 100 blogs
One blog can have up to 100 authors (authors)
Custom Domain Support . check blogspot domain price for internet for better  understand.
Very strong server
The availability of themes (themes) is very much, both themes are available for free or paid
Backup and Restore support
Integrated with Google Adsense and Google+.
blogger price per cost is free lifetime.
and much more.

Why Choose

Almost all the features needed to build a professional web page can be found through

Especially for beginner activities, bloggers are very, very enough to make various types of web pages. You can do almost all blogging activities through This is like supporting various widgets (contact forms, slide shows, etc.), supporting custom themes, making various interactions using JavaScript and so on.

On, all features we can get for free without any restrictions that require us to upgrade (pay) first. We don't need to spend hosting fees per month to keep blogs online. In this case, blogger is hosted on a google server which certainly has very good quality. Very rarely (personally, never before) I found it down on the blogger server.

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Blogger is a blogging platform website owned by the giant Google company. In terms of security, is very reliable.

Today, we know that Google is a large company that (most of their products) is engaged in online with a variety of services. Here, the issue of credibility and security is clear. We might not get this even if we use the Self Host website (own / paid hosting).

  • Until now, Google is still / still serious on the blogging platform

Lately, several updates have been made on This update is in the form of additional features, dashboard interface upgrades, theme availability and several others. Now, has provided an https connection for each blog that uses their subdomain. Reviewing this, it is probable that the features found on will continue to increase.

End of discussion

As mentioned earlier, on this blog, the blogging platform used as learning material for blogging activities is In the next material, we will start creating a blog on

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