Well everyone has their own website in today's time. Work hard to build that website. And this is everyone's dream.Well everyone has their own website in today's time. Work hard to build that website. And this is everyone's dream. Today we are discussing How To Protect Your Blog Content From Copying.
You write a new article every day. And your content is original. But do you know today that all wants to move forward..Because of this, people copy the content of someone else. And paste your blog and publish your post.So how would you feel if it was with you. One, you say so much. And second and second person enjoys it.
✓If you want any of your original content and no person can copy it, then you have to take protection for it.
I explain to you this very well. None of your post will be able to copy it. I'll share this trick with you.
This is a very simple way. But there is very strong tips. Which will be very useful to you. And one tell me I also use this trick.
👉I'll tell you two ways to prevent you from copying your content first. You can use whatever you like best.. But remember one thing I will do as I say. Otherwise it will not work properly. So read this carefully. And do as it is written.
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👆If you put it in your mind then no person will ever be able to copy any of your articles after this. This is a Javascript formula..
But even if you feel like copying your content. So I'm telling below and a final step.Whatever your site will not copy, everything will be copied. And it will work 100%. This is my guarantee.....
After applying this, save the theme. Finally no one will ever steal anything from your site. This is the best way.👍
You write a new article every day. And your content is original. But do you know today that all wants to move forward..Because of this, people copy the content of someone else. And paste your blog and publish your post.So how would you feel if it was with you. One, you say so much. And second and second person enjoys it.
✓If you want any of your original content and no person can copy it, then you have to take protection for it.
I explain to you this very well. None of your post will be able to copy it. I'll share this trick with you.
This is a very simple way. But there is very strong tips. Which will be very useful to you. And one tell me I also use this trick.
👉I'll tell you two ways to prevent you from copying your content first. You can use whatever you like best.. But remember one thing I will do as I say. Otherwise it will not work properly. So read this carefully. And do as it is written.
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how to disable text selection in blogger
✓This will be your first step. I'll give a code below. Which you have to put on your blog. To read her process, read below.
👉Visit your dashboard >> Layout >> add a gadget>> Html/JavaScript.
Now copy and paste the given code below into this box. And then save it.👈
<!- start this code by gourabdesign.com --><script src='demo-to-prevent-copy-paste-on-blogger_files/googleapis.js'></script><script type='text/javascript'> if(typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined" ) {document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false" ); } else{document.onmousedown=new Function ("return false" );document.onmouseup=new Function ("return false"); } </script> <!-- End disable copy paste --></!->
👆If you put it in your mind then no person will ever be able to copy any of your articles after this. This is a Javascript formula..
But even if you feel like copying your content. So I'm telling below and a final step.Whatever your site will not copy, everything will be copied. And it will work 100%. This is my guarantee.....
how to disable copying text or content on your website
The process that I mentioned above was of javascript. But now the process that I will tell will be of CSS . This is my favorite. And that's what I'm telling you. You have to put it in your template. And this is also the simplest way.
So let's now tell you the same way. But remember it is ok to back up your site template before applying it?. Because if you make a mistake, then upload the backup theme again. So let's see.👇
👉Visit your blogger admin panel >> Template >> Edit html >> now press the ctrl+f >>
Now a search box will open in front of you. Now you will be search </b:skin>
.Now copy the code below and paste it on top of this tag. 👈👇
body { -webkit-touch-callout:none; -webkit-user-select:none; -khtml-user-select:none; -moz-user-select:none; -ms-user-select:none; } img { -webkit-touch-callout:none; -webkit-user-drag:none; -khtml-user-drag:none; -moz-user-drag:none; -ms-user-drag:none; }
After applying this, save the theme. Finally no one will ever steal anything from your site. This is the best way.👍
protect your content from being copied
I can use both of the two ways I mentioned above together. This will not have any adverse effects on your site.And both of them will work hard. Nobody will be able to steal from your blog Because it is a tested formula.
If a person is incorrectly copying your post, then first find out. Then contact him.Tell him what you are doing is not right. Delete my post now. Otherwise I will take action against your site.
He will be human if he is okay. But if your request is not listening and still is stealing then you take action against it against him.
✓You then wrote a notice in Google copyright page against her website. After that, everything he had copied in just a few hours, everything will be deleted automatically.🤗
This is the best way to teach someone a lesson. One more thing anyone who does bad on the Internet, it is bad for anyone.You never worry Whatever is original to write And one thing to note is that Google is always with you...
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