How To Activate Ads.txt On Blogger - Latest AdSense Tips

All people searching the; How to add add.txt file to Blogger? What is Ads.txt? How does it work? How to add an Ads.txt file to Blogger?  How can I implement the this function on my blog? What is the problem of this? How do publishers and advertisers get more profits with ad revenue ? Should I set on my site? What is this Format? What is the effect of Ads.txt on Google? How do buyers use to this feature check who is allowed to sell to a buyer? And so ...

> Explain in my words How To Activate Ads.txt On Blogger - Latest AdSense Tips👇

In simple words, "ADS.TXT" includes a list of authorized publisher accounts by website owners, from which advertisements may be displayed on the blog. This will avoid duplicate advertisements from anonymous accounts and will >help to improve your website security in monetizing your content.Publishers are only allowed to sell adds on the idea that advertisements (authentic digital sellers) use text file sites to show to buyers.

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activate ads.txt on blogger

This is a new innovation that tries to erase the bad players' work to gain advantage of the list of advertising on the Internet in the digital market. This is an one of tool that can improve advertising systems to remove duplicate sellers to remove fraud from real advertising buyers and to copy ad exchange lists on fraudulent platforms and domains. For example, ad exchange program Rhetoric fraud allows you to buy low-quality content sites such as, and then premium sites such as to buy a cheaper advertising location. With the txt feature, this type of ad will not appear on unauthorized sites.

Of course, such advertisements Texts make it more difficult for fraudulent advertising to sell false inventory as a reasonable endeavor. This is an act that frees income scandals (2022 bouts spend more than $ 40 billion) and those people who really help protect publisher's advantage. and I would advise you to apply it now. Everything about and how to apply it to your sites.

How to implement ads.txt on the blogger site?

Recently, I have not only improved the content of your website, but have published some effective methods to help to increase AdSense revenue // optimization

What is this txt program?.

As discussed above,  This solution is especially designed to fight domain spoofing, buyers generally can verify that the provider is licensed and the source of the listing is standardized. This prevents trades from blocking the sale of unauthorized inventory and earning money on the digital market.

Authentic Digital Vendor (ADS) .txt is a trusted text file that lists all approved ad networks to sell the list. The goal is to increase transparency among advertisers and publishers. This system is designed to remove illegal illegal entities, who may try to generate advertising revenue by covering themselves as bonuses to receive advertising from exchange. However, this Ads.txt action produces profit by fraudulent fraud by selling fraudsters.

There are no other blog restrictions (* Apply conditions) Only individual pages are marked.

How does Ads.txt work? Its really  increase adsense income ?.

Ads.txt is a domain related to your domain that allows publishers to rank services on their website, who can honestly give their ad catalog.

For example,

It will automatically generate text files on your domain so that you can only display advertisements for digital providers on your page. This systematic approach lets publishers verify that they have allowed more buyers to qualify for purchasing advertising space on sites by eligibility.

Actually blogspot this program all ready existed  but now you can edit this as you wish and for friends who get warning massage like this 👇

When the problem occurs then the words below will appear at the top of your account.

Your income is risky - One or more of your ads.txt files doesn't contain an publisher ID. Fix this problem now to avoid a serious impact on your income.

how do you activate ads.txt on blogger

To enable this feature and stop warning massage so you can go to your dashboard > settings > search preferences > monetization > custom ads.txt > click the edit and select yes and fill the following code to in this column., pub-****************, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Change the pub-*************** with your Adsense id. Now click the save changes.

Adsense id can we found the google adsense dashboard like this image below 👇

find adsense publisher id

To check waither this service is active .Check the any browser searching tab with a url like this 👇

 Replace the yourdomain with your blog address. 👆

  • For those of you who have blogs with sub domains from the main domain, you don't need to activate this feature. Enough only on the blog with the main domain activated.

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