Hi friends. After a long time I thought that you can write a good post for the logo. All that I think is necessary.Why is it necessary? And I'll tell you everything that's used in today's post Solution The Problem Of Custom Error Page In Blogger.
Which has a website on Blogger. And every day he writes a new new article. All the articles for them are very imporant.
But in this case, any one article gets deleted due to any reason. Then its link becomes broken.Anyone who visits the same link, the link of the same article appears in the error. Which it can be dangerous for your website.
This causes many losses. Just like your visitor can not reach your website. And due to this, your readership starts decreasing.
And because of this, the effect is also on SEO. And your blog starts to slow down slowly. You probably will not have the Solution of it.We will give you full information about this. Which can fix it. And yes you can also rank it.
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👉Oops Page Not Found, 404 Error. The page you are looking for is Unavailable, The requested URL was not found on this server.👈
Which has a website on Blogger. And every day he writes a new new article. All the articles for them are very imporant.
But in this case, any one article gets deleted due to any reason. Then its link becomes broken.Anyone who visits the same link, the link of the same article appears in the error. Which it can be dangerous for your website.
This causes many losses. Just like your visitor can not reach your website. And due to this, your readership starts decreasing.
And because of this, the effect is also on SEO. And your blog starts to slow down slowly. You probably will not have the Solution of it.We will give you full information about this. Which can fix it. And yes you can also rank it.
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How To Redirect 404 Error Page In Home Page Blogger
See I run 3 websites. My first and famous website is Pyar Me India. This too is very special to me.And I know how to rank my whole blog well. I share the same idea with everyone as much as I have known. So that everyone can get help.
Every day so I do not write post then know But try to give you all the proper tips. Which is the need of everyone.
Understand your 10 posts in your website. So you removed 1 from this. So the link to which it belongs is left in Google.
And when someone visits this url, it looks like it is not currently available. Because of which she goes back.Do not know how to access your website. How to fix it I am telling the full process of this. Is it okay to read carefully?
The show looks like this is right.
👉Oops Page Not Found, 404 Error. The page you are looking for is Unavailable, The requested URL was not found on this server.👈
How to deal with 404 error page in blogger
👉First you going To Your dashboard.
Then see the SETTINGS menu.
Press this . Now you will see
>> search preferences >> custom page not found)
Copy the full code given below. Then paste it into the same box.👇👇
If there is any problem in adoring this, then comment me and tell me. I will reply immediately.And yes it's right to add it. As it is written exactly the same.
<h1>Oops 404!</h1><br><b>The page you are looking for may have been renamed or does not exist in this server.</b>
<br><br><b>You will be redirected to homepage shortly.</b><script>blogger_redirect = setTimeout(function() { location.pathname= "/" }, 7000);</script>
How to set custom page not found in blogger
From now on, visitors visits to your blog, the custom page not found will be notified of errors and will be redirected immediately. In the code above where 7000 milliseconds ,,have a transfer time, you can change your mind.
I hope this article blogger 404 redirect will help you .edit this pages to Blogger through the home page sent to Blogger. In addition, you learned several possible solutions for handling 404 error pages on Blogger. Please share this article and feel free to leave your comments below.
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