Blogger Thumbnail Problem? A Fast Solution

Blogger This is a platform that is the most popular in the world. It is used by most people in today's period. Because this is Google's product so that's why.Everyone's dream is to create their own website on this platform. That's why he himself becomes a blog too free. Today discussion the topic about Blogger Thumbnail Problem? A Fast Solution .

After a new site is created, the content is written a few days. And they want to show the same content on their website and on all social sites.In such a way, the image of the post that is posted on his blog is seen. Or do not even see it. And when the same post goes to share.

Then the photo of the same article does not appear in any social site. This is called Thmbnail Problem.

But why does this happen? Have you ever thought? Probably would not have thought. There is only one reason for this being that the theme you use is not coding properly.

blogger thumbnail problem solution

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Fast Solution The Blogger Image Thumbnail Problem

And in any site, it happens that the image of his content looks blurry. I will share tips to fix this with you.  So let's go friends. Now we do not talk much about the whole process.

First of all let me tell you. Template 2 is of type. One is free. And another premium. Which version do you use?.

👉And yes one more thing if you want a nice template. If there is no error, download it from the template labels in the category of our site.❤️

First of all we tell. If you use Free and your site has a prblms then follow the step below.👇..

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blogger thumbnail stopped showing up

How To Fix Image Thumbnail Not Appearing Bug in Blogspot

Solving Free version Template User:-

>>Go To Your Dashboard .
> Now see below THEME option. > Right side you see the EDIT HTML option . Simply click it.

Now press ctrl+f . Search box.  Find the :-

Nw replace with it :-


See this Surrey will work. And every post will start having photo shows.

 👆If this formula does not work properly, follow the steps given below. 100% will be cured.

First u Find </head> code.

Top css script to solving thumb problem in your website

copy below js code and paste the before </head> Tag.

<script type='text/javascript'> //<![CDATA[ function bp_thumbnail_resize(e,t){var n=620;var r=330;image_tag='<img width="'+n+'" height="'+r+'" src="'+e.replace("/s72-c-k-no/","/w"+n+"-h"+r+"-c/")+'" alt="'+t.replace(/"/g,"")+'" title="'+t.replace(/"/g,"")+'"/>';if(t!="")return image_tag;else return""} //]]> </script> 

Simply save it. So you are Done 👍👍.

But please note :-

You can change your thmbs height  :- r=330
Or width :- n=620 ......

Happy blogging. How did you find our post? Commenting Surely. And if you like it, please share it in the social site. So that everyone can get help immediately. By my sweet lovely ❤️ readers. 

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